Monday, July 2, 2007

Optimus Prime Voice Changer Mask

It’s really a shame, but even if my current situation gets better, I think I’m destined to be broke. Every time you think you’ve seen or bought the dopest thing you just have to have, the next thing comes out. Right now, my current obsession is the Optimus Prime Voice Changer helmet. The design is from the new Michael Bay movie which means its 10 times “slicker” than the cartoon (not to upset any purists), but everyone knows slicker doesn’t necessarily mean better and either way, simply put, the helmet is badass.

As sketch as I must have looked wandering around Times Square’s Toys ‘R’ Us trying to find this helmet and the Optimash Prime Mister Potato Head (see above post) I really couldn’t care less because this thing is hot to death. With a demo, on and off mode and 3 buttons, one for the transformation sound, one that issues one of 5 phrases such as “The DECEPTICONS must be stopped” and “AUTOBOTS…roll out!” as well as the kicker, a button that makes your voice sound like OPTIMUS PRIME’s radness is bound to ensue. As much as I hate biting and people rolling out in the same thing I’ve got to say I can only look forward to the day when I see a posse of people rolling down the street in Optimus Prime helmets.

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