Saturday, June 30, 2007

Facebook vs MySpace - The Social Networking Showdown

I’m probably overstating this, but personal experience, compounded by a recent adweek article has me asking, is MySpace going to go the way of friendster? While I’m still a members of all 3 sites and MySpace is the site I and most others are primarily using, it seems as if some of the features which made MySpace so much friendlier and more desirable than friendster, and which basically led to a mass exodus from friendster are falling victim to the corporate behemoth of NewsCorp. Facebook’s clean, uncluttered interface seems to exude the exact opposite of NewsCorp’s ringtone offering, adpacked MySpace pages.

In an age where the user has over and over shown himself to be king MySpace’s moves like the blocking of the popular Photobucket application, which they later bought, are protectionist and profit centric. While MySpace delivers a purely pay to play stance, Facebook is keeping both advertisers and users happy through being more open to and actually inviting developers and advertisers to build applications relevant and useful to their users. This open environment full of non-invasive, seamlessly integrated, user appropriate content ensures not only viral spreading of such applications, but constant innovation in them, and by that constant relevance.

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